
Create a new future

by learning to innovate today.

Transform your employees into confident innovators.

Trusted by leaders from

Research from Boston Consulting Group shows:


of companies say
innovation is a priority.


but only 20% are ready and equipped to innovate.

What about your organization? 

Are all your employees ready and equipped to innovate?
Is your organization flourishing  with new ideas and possibilities?
Do you have a
thriving culture of innovation?
Are innovation & creativity the
top skills of your workforce?
Do you know how to
develop and inspire innovators?
Answered no? We can help.

We help you make innovation a reality.


Innovation is a learnable and teachable skill anyone can learn.
Build innovation capabilities and skills in your organization and stay ahead of the competition. We make innovation approachable and tangible.


LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is an outcome-based methodology. It's used to purposefully move the needle on business challenges, design thinking, creative problem solving, strategy, team development and more.


Transformative experiences that activate innovation and awaken innovators. Leo is known to provide talks that are impactful, actionable, insightful and inspiring. He's often the crowd's favourite speaker!

Leo’s contagious enthusiasm, inherent curiosity, and intelligence surrounding the science of innovation is leagues beyond others in this field. He is the innovation expert and speaker you have been looking for.

Lion Leadership

Meet Leo.

Leo Chan is the founder of Abound Innovation. He’s a people- and heart-first entrepreneur who believes everyone can be an innovator. With 55 US patents and over 20 years of experience, he has helped organizations—from non-profits to Fortune 500s—and industries of all kinds—from automotive to food, CPG to retail, education to insurance— unleash the innovative potential of their employees. Leo has worked with the world’s most innovative companies.
As a LinkedIn Learning Instructor, Leo shares his expertise in a way that’s both practical and inspiring. His friendly, joyful, and enthusiastic demeanour makes the journey to innovation exciting and attainable.
Finally, as a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer & facilitator, Leo uses hands-on, play-driven methods to unlock creativity, enhance collaboration, and solve complex challenges in fresh, unexpected ways.

LinkedIn Course: Build Your Innovation Skills

Learn how to start your innovation journey today!
In Leo's latest LinkedIn Learning course, you’ll:
• get a step-by-step overview of what innovation really is
• learn how you’re capable of innovating to drive change
• discover how you can leverage the innovation process

Leo's passionate and knowledgeable about innovation in a way that makes learning exciting and empowering. You will become the innovator you want to be with Leo and your organization will too.


Lead Researcher, Chick-fil-A

Ready to unleash innovation in your organization?

Get started today: Schedule a discovery call or fill out the discovery form.

Discovery Call

A discovery call will help you see what's possible for your organization. On the call, we'll determine together what's best for your goals: whether it's a keynote, innovation training or a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop.

Discovery Form
